Starfire Charity Foundation believes in the protection of human rights concerning its different programs on advocacy, protection, and empowerment for an extended period. In relation to that and accordingly, in 2022, more than 12 million dollars were appropriated for the activity enhancement of women, children, refugees, and ethnic minorities’ rights. Of this amount, the largest portion went toward education programs, reaching over 200,000 children in war zones and helping to provide quality education in areas where children’s human rights are often denied.
The foundation also combats human trafficking and forced labor directly in the field. In 2023, Starfire Charity Foundation, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization, developed a task force that focuses on rendering legal aid, shelter, and rehabilitation to survivors of human trafficking. The total beneficiaries reached more than 5,000, but with the involvement of the foundation, there was a rise in prosecuting legal cases by 40%.
As such, the advocacy of the Starfirecharityfoundation had been a game-changer as far as the global campaign to eradicate child labor is concerned. With the collaboration and support of the United Nations, between 2021, the Foundation launched a worldwide campaign that reached 30 million. The campaign provided educational information and resources to parents and teachers about the long-lasting effects of child labor, how to recognize it, and how to prevent it from happening.
That is, it means: “Human rights are not an ideal far away but rather an inheritance with which we build our tomorrows,” said the founder of Starfirecharityfoundation Mark Thompson in a keynote of 2023. As may be realized, his speech illustrates the commitment of an organization to building a world in which everybody is capable of living in dignity and freedom from every background and circumstance.
The foundation also assists the displaced through its refugee assistance programs. In 2022, it aided the resettlement of more than 20,000 refugees and provided legal assistance, health care, and shelter. According to a report by Starfirecharityfoundation, released in 2023, a 30% increase in the living standard of the refugees was reported when assisted on a long-term basis.
By advocating, educating, providing legal aid, and giving direct support for human rights, Starfire Charity Foundation remains one of the strong links in the global fight for dignity and equality among all humans.
More at starfirecharityfoundation.